Collins Clubs and Leagues Webmasters
Editing the Clubs and Leagues Calendar:
The calendar link is listed on the top-level index pages.
An additional content box will be displayed on all days that have entries.
I (Larry) will take care of the Company Holidays and the regular stuff found on conventional calendars.
To edit a date in the calendar, go to your Admin Page, select EDIT the CALENDAR, select the correct month, then click on the underlined day number.
Notice that the text is in HTML format.
If the date already has text, add your entry in order of meeting time(s).
If yours is the only, or first entry, follow the format as noted below.  Use you club's initials as noted on the top of the page. Remember, the calendar window is very limited.

<b>CWG</b> Planning meeting<br>Main Plant Cafeteria<br>5:00p.m.

Note: This is certainly a manually-fed calendar… I'd like to design a more automatic one in the future. For now however, just getting the new site up and running is enough for me…

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